After yesterday's experience, I was anxious for today's return paddle to Tofino. I knew that even the glassiest water can turn to chop or a riptide before you know it, and I also knew we had another atol and many small islands to paddle by. I remembered the chart suggested paddling farther offshore in rough conditions, likely to prevent the ricochet we encountered yesterday. My fears were assuaged as we picked our way through the tiny, numerous islands and kelp beds. The water remained calm and flat the entire morning, and we were back in Tofino, packed up, and eating breakfast by 9:00. What a relief!John
We started our day early in order to beat the day's wind. Our first launch in surf was before us. As we studied the rhythm of the surf, we discussed our launch sequence. We would push the boat out to deeper water. I would quickly get in and as I secured my spray skirt Ellen would push us hard into the waves and quickly get in the boat. She would yell paddle after she moved her paddle out of the way of my stroke and I would paddle like hell as she secured her spray skirt. Then she would paddle like hell and steer us perpendicular to the incoming waves. Sounds good.
Happy camper! Still in her PJs, Ellen was relieved to see that
Happy camper! Still in her PJs, Ellen was relieved to see that
the water and wind were calm when she got up that morning.
We watched for a break in the waves and then flew into action. I got in quickly and wrestled my spray skirt on and waited posed for the first stroke and listening for the paddle signal from Ellen. It seemed like hours before I heard "Paddle." I watched a wave build in front of us and quickly set up a fast and deep paddle cadence. I could feel Ellen struggle with her spray skirt. It wasn't long before she had her paddle digging also. One wave broke over the bow and drenched my spray skirt. Once we made it through that wave we were in the smaller waves. We made a successful surf launch, our first. We praised each other and felt positive about the conditions of the water. We knew it was going to be a good paddle day.
We quickly paddled out to the Foam Islands and stayed inside them because of the near perfect conditions. We weaved our way between numerous small islands within the La Croix Group as we headed south following the GPS "go to" track. It was a quick paddle to Tolfino and our take out. We packed everything up to the parking lot and carried the boat up. There were few people due to the early hour. I changed my shoes and made sure I had the car keys on me and began my run to the car. I changed into normal clothes and drove back to Ellen. I pulled the tent out of the dry bag and spread it out in the back of the car to dry. Sand clung to every item. We were on the road after a quick breakfast and headed toward Nanaimo by nine that morning. It was a good experience. It was a great paddle. We had enlarged our paddle destinations. We gained open water confidence in the double. We experienced three beautiful beach campsites that I will never forget. Now all we have to do is figure out the currents in this area. We know we will be back. The area is stunning in beauty and there is so much more to see.
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